As my daughter's Junior year vastly comes to an end, her summer in New York is approaching quickly around the corner and her final year of high school facing me on the horizon;
I often questioned myself, "Did I do okay in raising my daughter?"
The letter below proves to me that...I knocked it out the park!
This is a Mother's Day letter my daughter, Isis, wrote to her Godmother, Jenny and myself. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did...definitely brought tears to our eyes.
Mom and Nina,
Theres not enough words to describe you to but i think amazing may cover it.
You guys are amazing role models and I wouldn’t be who I am today with out you two.
Mom, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be here today. We have our good days and our not so good days but what mother and daughter don’t?
Your a fighter, mom, and don’t forget to keep on fighting cause I know one day when I look at New York’s best sellers , I’ll see your name on the top of the list.
And Nina, you were there when I was born and I can’t say I remember that day but I do remember all the times we’ve had together and all the phone calls; the phone, not always laughs but I can honestly say you helped me get through my toughest battle last year and I don’t know how I could have done it without you. I LOVE YOU! and I am sooooo soooo soooo grateful that my mom picked you as my GodMother!
I LOVE YOU LADIES sooooo much and I’d just like to say Happy Mothers Day, Moms!
Isis Chanel
Coma' Jen, hold my hand and please take a bow with me! She's ready to take on the world.
Our Beautiful Princess, your Nina and I did good!
*Remember, the world is yours! All you have to do is go out there and claim it!
Never forget to always Be Inspiring and continued to Be Inspired with all that surrounds you!