Sunday, February 12, 2006

My Sista' Maria and I

Hello All,
I'd like to introduce you to Maria..THIS woman is theeee most amazing person I know. I met Maria about..oh...almost 10 years ago. we met through my boneheaded ex...whom from now on we'll refer to as "bonehead". He introduced us when Isis (my daughter) and I moved to LA with him. I didn't know anyone in LA and Maria was the first person I met. They WERE ("were" being the opperative word here) best friends.

When I first started living in LA I was a very conservative dresser (grunge and turtlenecks with blazers..ugh) It was Maria that showed me how appreciate what God had given me and not hide them. One of us likes to put them on a shelf, I won't say who, I'll just say .."It ain't ME!!!" But it did help me to have more self confidence in me as a woman. I guess that is why NOW i have wonderful Fiance' I thank HER for that? Naw...cuz she'll let that go to her head.

I never had sisters but God truly blessed me with one when I met her. She was a strong force in my left when shit with "bonehead" when REAL bad. After ALL the B.S. he put Isis and I through, Maria and I stayed very close and she cut ties with "bonehead" and she stayed in MY life. Thank you Lord. This wonderful woman is my Matron of Honor.
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I'm a writer that writes from the heart...and emotion (ergo, the name of my blog). Most of what I write about, I have had first hand experience in. Anything I review does not say I am an expert...I only write what I THINK and whether I like it or not! Not how the rest of the world should think or feel. I am Mexican/Italian and a Leo..again..why my blog is called the World of Emotion!! Hope you enjoy what I have to say and/or review. Enjoy!