Thursday, March 02, 2006

My Two Junior Bridesmaids

These two lovelies are my Junior Bridesmaids...on the left is mu niece Vanessa and on the right is my daughter, Isis. The are both 13 years. WOW!!! how times flies..I remember when they were just babaies which seems like just yesterday (could I be any more of a cliche?)  Posted by Picasa

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About Me

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I'm a writer that writes from the heart...and emotion (ergo, the name of my blog). Most of what I write about, I have had first hand experience in. Anything I review does not say I am an expert...I only write what I THINK and whether I like it or not! Not how the rest of the world should think or feel. I am Mexican/Italian and a Leo..again..why my blog is called the World of Emotion!! Hope you enjoy what I have to say and/or review. Enjoy!