Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I grownup?" or "When did I become a "grownup"?
I always thought when i became a parent, I was a grownup! But then seeing these babies having babies through the past 3 decades, there was no way these children were grownups.
Then when I purchased my first home, it was then i knew...I was a grownup! But...the mortgage boom happened and as long as you were at least 18 years of age, you could buy a home. Ive seen some of these 18 year old homeowners and there is no way that they are "grownups".
So, when do we become grownups? I pondered this for a bit, then it hit me....we become growups when we experience the loss of a parent, it is only then that you know what it to be a true bonafide grown up.
At that point there is no longer a "go to" person, it is all YOU!
We're having struggles understanding our daughter...i used to go to Mami..how did she handle me when she couldnt understand me?
We werent sure about purchasing a home...Michael would go to Pop for his advice and how we should proceed.
Having our parents alive meant, to most of us, that we werent alone in our decision making, we could still rely on our parent to help bail us out for a solution, like we did when were children.
You remember?
I do.
I remember when I first learned to put makeup on...I was ready to head out the door, mami stopped me and asked where the circus was? I put so much make up on, i should have been able to juggle apples on que. Thank good ness for Mami...i would have been made fun but she made sure that that didnt happen.
Or when learning how to drive. My dad taught me how to drive and I got into an accident, I was so freaked out that he said "dont worry, it happens, now you know to be a more careful driver.
"...all this in spanish of course..."*tien cuidado" he's always say before i head out any where
*be careful.
"...all this in spanish of course..."*tien cuidado" he's always say before i head out any where
*be careful.
****Oh, how I wish i could hear these words now.
We really arent grownup until we experience that loss.
Now, our children come to us for advice, for guidance, for protection and when i turn behind to see who i could turn to....its just me.
*Wups I cant forget my lil note:
Of course there are those of us out there that had no choice but to grow up sooner than most. What I'm speaking of is the general.
So now that there are alot of us out there that are now bonafide Grownups; there are more eyes on us looking for guidance and words of wisdom.
With that: always remember to continue to:
Be Inspiring and Be Inspired
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