My apologies for the delay...as you could have guessed I didn't do so well on the scale. I gained 2.6 pounds.
I had such great momentum going into this and now I here I am...gaining.
This weekend was a bit emotional...Michael has been sick...about a week to be exact and when any of us are sick in the house, it throws off the entire dynamics of the household; everything just gets thrown out of whack..if you will.
Watching him sleep all day and having no life in him brought back memories of my Mom, when she was ill...I would never tell Michael this and no...he doesn't read my blog, so please don't say anything to him. It was hard dealing with it....and to mention how hard it was for him not being to get well.
Even as I type this....my eyes are filling with tears and I just want to cry....actually I am...I can't hold bck the tears...they're streaming down my cheeks with every stroke of the keys.
You see, I'm not exactly a Florence Nightengale nor a Mother Theresa when it comes to adults being ill and think thats why it was emotional for me. He was sik and I wanted it to be a simple solution...drink liquids, eat soup and sweat the fever out....like I hoped with my Mom... and when it wasn't.....I did what I knew could make ME feel better.....and it was food....I ate. I slept in the living room and stayed up late and ate and ate and ate...whatever I could get my hands on, I ate.
I know...not the way to deal....but it was the only way I knew I could deal at that moment.
Well today I'm happy to say he's doing so much better, and my support system keeps giving awesome words of encouragement and reminding me why I am doing this journey.
Like in any type of journey that we set ourselves on, there will be many a road blocks, but its how we deal with them.
Some will say,"...hey it's just a block in the road...just go around it." But what I say...is to go around it just means it will pop up again later down the road...why not just BREAK THROUGH it, so you don't have to worry about it later down the road.
THAT's what I need to do.....I need to break though these blocks so I'm not dealing with them as often as I am.
One day at a time, my readers. One. Day. At. A. Time.
Until the next time my words meet your eyes.
Remember to Continue to:
Be Inspiring , Be Inspired
1 comment:
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