Hello My Readers,
As you all know it was a year ago today that I was crawled up in a fetus position mourning the end of my marriage...well…a lot has happened since.
Like the quote above says:
“Every story has an end, but in life every ending is just a new beginning”
Funny, I had read this quote so many times before but never resonated until now.
My divorce was something I never imagined for myself…I’m an old fashion kinda girl who believes in romance and growing old with “The One”.
However, what this has taught me was that I really needed to work on myself. I needed to be the kind of wife that God had destined for me to be.
In my first marriage, I was not.
My ex husband is a good man and he deserved to have someone that would be the kind of wife he was destined to have, sadly, I was not that woman.
When the divorce was final it was hard for us to speak to each other, so we only communicated via text or through the kids (*which by the way, was a HUGE No No on both our parts).
And... since I was the one who asked for the divorce, I allowed people to look at me as the villain. Which was killing my spirit every day.
I prayed every moment that I could that God get our family through the storm and place peace in every ones hearts including those who wished me to “jump off a cliff”.
After much praying, I realized, I am not the villain; I was just a woman who was in a marriage where neither party was happy. Just turned out I was the one who spoke up and pointed out the proverbial elephant in the room.
So today…one year after the storm…I am very grateful to say that our family is...Happy. My ex Husband & I are able to talk and joke around, just like old friends. We had met up for dinner and he looked so at peace…God truly is phenomenal!
The kids now get the best of both their parents and never feel that they need to choose between either of us because one thing he & I were very clear about was …the kids.
As long as they felt loved, secured, & taken care of, all would be fine.
I haven’t started dating yet…though I do see it on the horizon 😉
My primary focus is to move out of the house…my ex husband said, “It’s time for you to begin your new journey, what better way that your own apartment.”
My very own place to make my new memories of this amazing life that God intended for me to have. Wow! I get butterflies just thinking about it.
What a Blessing to be given and I received it with my whole heart open!
There is much truth when newlyweds are being advised that, “Communication is key”…you know what? It really IS key.
Now I’ve learned before I speak on anything, I allow myself 24 hours to simmer on it, if it still in the pit of my stomach, it needs to be spoken. If not, then I know it was my Ego that was bruised in the moment and I let it go.
I know there is still much more for me to learn about myself before I get into another relationship, but the one thing I do know for certain is: that when I do…this time it will not be on my watch but on God’s Perfect Timing.
Stay Blessed, Mi Gente!
As always…
Be Inspiring
Be Inspired
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