I know submitting to the New Yorker was a long shot but after doing some research, I learned that every piece that gets submitted is read. GETS READ!!! Every. Piece. What did i have to lose? Even if they don't reply to me...every piece gets read.
Just knowing that was enough for me, but then I get this email. An email that says "We regret that are unable to use the emclosed material. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider it. Sincerely The Editors"
Whoa! The Editors.
You should have seen my face when I opened up the email. I must looked like a teenage girl that gets a reply from their favorite heart throb, MJ, you know the ones? The letters, that are actually written by their PR people but you cant tell that teenager that, as far as they're concerned it came directly from Michael Jackson HIMSELF!!!"
As far as I was concerned...it came directly FROM the Editors themselves...i didnt care if it was just a signature that the flunkies use..nope, did not care..why? Because someone at the New Yorker read MY work...hell, even if it was the janitor...didn't matter..he cleans desks at The New Yorker, doesn't he?..therefore he qualifies; he's there and he read it!
Funny, i never been this excited about recieving a rejection in my life..ever.
I'm not going to lie...its scary especially at my age, 40. I hear that a lots of editors want something young and fresh, all I need is just one to say "yes".
So, until I hear or read that three letter word..I will continue to visualize what I want in my mind. I will see it, feel it, taste it and believe in it. I will make my mental blue print, I set the foundation by not allowing my fear of failure or rejection take over and now i will continue to build it.
Remember to continue to be Inspiring and Be Inspired....I know I will.
Today was definitley a good day!-Ice Cube
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