Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day 2010

This year's Valentines Day was a memorable one. As you will see I am posting from my new iPhone that I recieved from my hubby along with dance lessons that I have been talking about wanting to take (btw I will be blogging about how the lessons are going, so wish me luck...40 yr old vs 20 somethings)

Hubby took me and our son out to an early dinner, the daughter had a photo shoot to go do, so she was unable to join us (she trying to earn some money for her new phone, camera, shoes who knows but she'll be paying for it not us)

This isn't much an entry, I wanted to test the blogging from my new toy. Especially since this is the main purpose for it. To blog whenever my big heart contents!

Well my readers, Im off to take my 6 year old son to go see a movie.

Remember to always continue to be inspiring and be inspired!

Til the next entry!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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About Me

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I'm a writer that writes from the heart...and emotion (ergo, the name of my blog). Most of what I write about, I have had first hand experience in. Anything I review does not say I am an expert...I only write what I THINK and whether I like it or not! Not how the rest of the world should think or feel. I am Mexican/Italian and a Leo..again..why my blog is called the World of Emotion!! Hope you enjoy what I have to say and/or review. Enjoy!