Friday, February 11, 2011

The quarrel I lost....but the battle isn't over!

How I felt last night.

Good Morning Readers,

Last night was a rough night with me and food. I got home last night with every intention to change into my workout clothes go for a walk to get in my 10000 steps, but instead....I opened the fridge and there staring back at me ....was a gallon of ice cream.

Did I shut the fridge? uh....nope! I "talked" myself into a bowl, because I did after all lose 4.6 pounds...not a smart move. I justified my eating, not because I was hungry but because it was there.

After I finished the bowl....I felt like crap...but shook it off quick because I was off to my Boogie Box class and there....I was about to burn 1100 calories, I was "safe".

Just like weeks before I show up to class early, stretch and ready to get this work out ON! Our instructor arrives and goes through the basics for the newbies and we begin.

I jump, I hop, I glide, I bounce...every step done with more resistance then the last....I HAVE to work off that ice cream I just had. Sweat is pouring down my head, even into my eyes...if I did nt know better i could swear it smells like cookie and cream....thats the ice cream I just ate.

"That's right ice cream, I'm sweating you OUT!!!" I tell myself.

After class was over, I go home, take a shower and have some jello before I go to bed...that was my cue....the jello is last thing I was to have before I end my night.

Just then, Michael comes home from a dinner date he had with his best friend and he brings home left overs. They had dinner at BJ's and BJ's has the best shrimp and pasta....mmm yummy. The thought was to bring the leftovers for lunch....but I "had" to have just one, turned into two, then three, then four with pasta...then when I looked down....I had finished the whole thing.

I was upset with myself, I had just worked off the ice cream ,now I'm about to go to sleep and this food will just sit. What did i just do???

Okay, see what I did there? I'm making food out to be my enemy, when in fact its not....its about discipline...I could've eaten the shrimp and pasta...just not at 10 o"clock at night. Had I just talked to myself a lil longer...was I really THAT hungry...when in fact I wasnt, the jello was enough for me, I wouldnt have gone to bed feelign guilty.

I woke up this morning weighed myself and what happened....of course I ganined a pound and I knew I would.

However, I cant beat myself up over it, I allow myself my splurge day...and instead of it being Saturday...I made it last night.

I also have to remember......i could have easily been like..."well since i screwed up, let me finish the ice cream" but I didn't. I went to bed.

I woke up this morning and thought..."I need to share this...I'm an emotional eater...I'm not perfect and neither are you; there will be quite a bit of pitfalls along my journey what matters is how we pick ourselves up after we have fallen."

Last night I fell, today I dust off my knees and I'm moving forward.

Until the next post my readers, meanwhile:

Remember to continue to:
Be Inspired, Be Inspiring

1 comment:

Maggie Hernandez-Knight said...

Ah the dreaded temptation of just having to eat something cause it's there! It's crazy. We've had to resort to just keeping that stuff out of the house and nobody has it, except for when we decide it's time for a treat. Poor Marcus. But, we're really trying to teach him good habits from the start. Thanks for sharing!

About Me

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I'm a writer that writes from the heart...and emotion (ergo, the name of my blog). Most of what I write about, I have had first hand experience in. Anything I review does not say I am an expert...I only write what I THINK and whether I like it or not! Not how the rest of the world should think or feel. I am Mexican/Italian and a Leo..again..why my blog is called the World of Emotion!! Hope you enjoy what I have to say and/or review. Enjoy!