"Ocean" and me at Brea Improv 2/27/10Ocean and I go back over 12 years or so, though he's known in the comedy circuit as Ocean; I know him as Osayande...yes it is!...says so on his birf certificate!
To see where is accomplishments have taken him, make me so proud (not that I had anything to do with it, unless he's using me for some of his material, if so...I want creative credit!!!) Its truly amazing!
I heard some time ago that he was getting into comedy and thought, "That's cool, through the years i had never saw him as a comic" but then again I have no idea how anyone gets started in this type of business, so who I am to say anything. I had recieved a couple of invitations to see him perform but never seem to make it out there...meaning LA, Hollywood, Reseda...BFE.
This time he was going to perform at the Brea Improv, and dab namit..THIS time i was going to see him. He had sent me a link to see one of his bits. Before seeing it, wasnt sure if it was gonna be a battle of the Dozens (oh..just in case some of you readers dont know...The Dozens are Yo Momma insults) or Knock Knock jokes (sorry Fam...wasn't sure what to expect). To my surprise..Osay..wups O-cean...was a bonafide comic and had me laughing and then I was even more excited to see him perform live.
I confirmed with him that i was going to go to the show and he told me the tickets were on him and not worry about a thing, "just come and enjoy the show" and to spell my name correctly to give to the club..sure...D-L-E-E-S-A-A Aviles. Done. Im going to a comedy show for free...woo hooo!!!
My girl and i arrived at the Brea Improv and to reconfirm, I BBM (oh, thats BlackBerry Messenger to all you non-Crackberry users) him to make sure to tickets will be at will call.
Reply: They r @ the window..Give them your name (I'm actually retyping this from my BBM, I want to make sure I'm accurate; i dont want to be known for misquoting him)
Me: K will do thanx
I get to the window; smile at the girl and tell her: "Osay...ooh sorry, I mean Ocean has tickets for me"
The girl behind the glass, looks at me and asks me for what show?
Well, he did tell me to be there at 10, so I said "10".
She looked at me puzzled and said you mean "11"...i looked back at here more puzzled and said "no, he said to be here at 10"..then she says back, "Oh its for the 9pm show, ID please"
Uh oh...my I D...see the problem here, is I gave him the name i go by...much like him and the whole "Ocean" thing...everyone knows me as Dleesaa, however, legality...all documents, birf cert, Social and yes, Drivers License say "Marialuisa".
I go through this entire schpill with the counter girl and she can't find me anywhere on the list...i was like, WTH?
Then thought,. "Oh, no he didnt...he is straight having me PUNK'd to see if I'd actually come out to see him perform" I was ready to to give him a mental beating, but before that, I made sure the counter girl really couldnt find my name.
She looked under the legal name (which I already knew she wasnt going to find that) and the name I gave him...then the supervisor asked, "Is this for Sadiki Fuller show"
I looked relieved because I remember Osay..i mean Ocean mentioning that name on his FB..."Yes, yes, it is"
Then the cocky counter girl replies, "Oh, that IS the 11pm show" and BAM! she found my name and gave me my tickets.
Whew! Fam...you have no idea how ready i was ready to hurt you like to stole something..let me get ready and flat iron my hair AND come out in the rain for a no show?
So, we had an hour to kill, so we went to Yard House for a drink; low and behold who do we bump into but none other than Ocean himself.
I hadnt seen him in 12 + years and he looked exactly the same. He was with a friend and so we all sat at the bar for a drink.
I was able to chat with him before the show and asked:
"So, Fam..comedy? When did you decide this is what you wanted to do?"
He replied, " I fell in love with it and KNEW that this is what I wanted to do"
You should have seen the look in his eye, because he sincerely knows that THIS is what he is meant to do and it was inspiring to witness.
We caught up on family and life and then it was showtime. He had some "pull" with the club and was able to give us "VIP" access into the club before everyone else was allowed in. We took our picture on the Improv stage and then, we had picked our seats and patiently waited for him and the rest of the comics to perform.
The comics that performed him were funny, but all i cared about was seeing my Boy do his thing.
The host then announces him:
"This next comic has toured with Damon Wayons, please welcome to the stage, Ocean Glapion"
Ocean takes the stage, just like any comic, mic in one hand and a bottle of beer in the next. He looked so natural on stage, it was definitley where he belonged ..wait..dont i sound like a proud Mama!? HA!
He went on to do his bit about dating, you could see the audience related to this because we are were busting up! what i love most about certain comics, is how they have no problem poking fun at themselves.
George Lopez? Talks about his big head. Kat Williams? His size...Ocean? Talked about God's Humor: Giving good looks but a rough grill....im laughing as i type this, it was hilarious.
Though he wasnt given much time on stage, it was definitely enough time for me to see a glimpse of this man loving his craft.
Just before his performance in Brea, he started his evening hosting at Universal City Walk, then off to Ontario for a show and then Brea. What dedication and commitement.
O, Im always telling my readers to continue to be Inspiring and Be Inspired..and YOU truly Inspire me to stay dedicated and committed to my writing...I thank you!
Readers, if you ever get a chance to see Ocean perform, you will not be disappointed. It will be worht the drive for me to see him perform in BFE!
Congrats O, keep doing doing what you're doing!! Laughter is truly the best medicine for almost anything!!
With that, I'm going to end this entry with a great quote by Eleanor Roosevelt:
"You gain, strength, experience, and confidence by every experience where you really stop to look fear in the face....you must do the thing you cannot do"
Continue to be Inspiring and Be Inspired