Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Navigating thru my Blog

Hello Readers....I'm baaaaack...so I hope by now you have spread the word that I'm on a mission to lose 50 pounds by when? You know what? I didn't say...but let's plan the date together. As in any type of goal setting you set for yourself, you need to make sure that it is measurable and manageble....in other words....REALISTIC!!!

There's nothing worse than we set ourselves up to fail because we didnt set realistic goals.
For instance...I want to lose 50 lbs...my initial goal was Valentines Day 2011....yeah it was realstic when I set the goal last year, but I did not factor on what I was eating nor how much exercise I was not doing, so is it realistic for me now?....not by Valentines day it isn't. Yeah maybe if i starve myself and exercise like a crackhead or like one of my Boogie Box Coaches would say, "Do Weight Watchers on Crack"....maaaaaybe I could....but then what would happen? I would gain it all back and then some....so not what I'm trying to do.

My Goal to lose the 50 pounds is by my 42nd Birthday, which is August 9th.

I dont' want to diet and I want a lifestyle change and that change begins with my mind!

So my mind and myself have added links at the bottome of my blog, that will help me and you stay focused on what we are trying to achieve.

The links are:

The Magic of Succeeding-helping to improve your quality of life
My Boogie Box grind-my exercise regimen that I found and love
The Daniel Plan-this was set up my our church and Dr. Oz, Dr. Hyman and Dr. Amen have agreed to help the entire congregation get healthy.....ANYONE can join.
The Pay it Forward Movement-when you want to read feel good stories or get ideas on how we can pay it forward, visti this site. Its truly amazing
Twitter-Follow me and see what new things I'll try
Formspring-Ask me anything...i will answer to the best of my being.

*please keep in mind. I am in no way a licensed professional in nutrition, fitness or health. Like with any new exercise or diet changes please consult a physician.
This blog is about ME and what I am doing to achieve my weight loss goal and the healthy measures I plan on taking to get there.

With that being said:

Today's challenge will be doing is in the area of fitness. I normally take a Boogie Box...I will get more into that on a later post, however, today Tito Ortiz is opening his new gym in Huntington Beach called Punishment Training Center and I have been asked to take a kickboxing class there this evening.

Yeah, right...I wish this was me today....but soon it will be!!

I will keep everyone posted on how the class goes and how sore I will be tomorrow...
OH! Before I forget: tomorrow is Weigh In Wednesday...I'm treating tonight's class like a
"last chance workout".
Wish me luck, Readers!!!
Until then, remember to continue to:
Be Inspiring, Be Inspired

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About Me

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I'm a writer that writes from the heart...and emotion (ergo, the name of my blog). Most of what I write about, I have had first hand experience in. Anything I review does not say I am an expert...I only write what I THINK and whether I like it or not! Not how the rest of the world should think or feel. I am Mexican/Italian and a Leo..again..why my blog is called the World of Emotion!! Hope you enjoy what I have to say and/or review. Enjoy!