Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014: The Year of Transformation

As the final hours of 2013 are coming to an end...as many will do, I too, am reflecting on all that as transpired these last 365 days. 

For me...2012 was the year of Change...and a big one it was & 2013 was the year of Greatness. As great as it was, the final weeks have been the toughest for me...doors were being shut that I had no idea why and then realized that God was either saying, "the time has come that this door be shut; it served it's purpose" or "the door was opened too soon, time was not right"...it was a reminder that I must continue to allow God to work on me from the inside out and allow all that is meant to be...be. 

2014 will be the Year of Transformation.

It will be what you make of it.
2014 is the year you spent the last 5 years talking about: 

Single girls will become married women, Single mothers will become a blended family, Once only children will become a sibling, Employees will become Employers, Financial challenges will be debt free,
Broken Hearts will be mended,
Aspiring writers will become published authors!

Yes, The Year of Transformation will be here in less than 24 hours...
How you do INTEND to transform your world?

Stay Blessed, Mi Gente!
I send you love & light always & In All Ways! 
#2014almosthere #gratefulinallthings #transformation #newhomein2014 #newchapter

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Being Grateful: The Attitude of Grattitude


As we are starting the final 13 days of 2013...I am starting to reflect on all that this year has brought to and taken from my life. Some I welcomed with open arms while others I clenched so hard to that it was difficult to let go of. 

However, the one thing that has remained in all of this...is my unwavering Faith...Faith in God that all is well. My Faith in God is what helped me get through it all and it will be my continued Faith that will allow me to go into 2014 with NO Fear...for what I know is... God's Timing is infinitely perfect & all that unfolds is how it is meant to be. 

I Trust Him!

So today...I AM undoubtedly grateful for my continued Faith that has allow me to roll with the punches, hit the curve balls that I didn't see coming...but God did...and those moments I was side blinded in & couldn't see clear. 
My Faith, helped me roll with ease, hit those balls out the park & see as clear as can be. 

"Faith is Believing when I can't see. Faith is obeying when I don't understand why. Faith is following God's lead without knowing where. Faith is waiting on God's Timing without know when. Faith is expecting a miracle without knowing how."-Pastor Rick Warren

My Faith...I am always &  In ALL ways...grateful for.
 #grateful #faithwoman #trustgod #godstiming

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Being Grateful: The Attitude of Gratitude

Being Grateful: The Attitude of Gratitude

I know...ima day late, even after a friend kindly reminded me that yesterday was Wednesday...I was having a "Monica" day...'Just one of dem days'

I never knew the significance of these keys...after all they are "just" keys, aren't they? However, truth of the matter, they aren't "just" keys...they represent that I have something that is my own.
The keys are to my home...my safe haven. A place when I am having one of "dem days" I can go to, curl up only sofa with my blankie, sit & do nothing...cry if need be & I do. 
During this time, we're reminded everyday that there are so many out "there" that don't have it...that they pray for shelter some way, some how, whether it be near the freeway or a sturdy box, any place not to sit & do nothing but just to keep warm & make it to the next day. 

So, the next time you take your keys out to unlock the door...pause for a moment & express gratitude that you DO have those keys & they open the door to YOUR safe haven. 

I wanna thank my mentor, Darnella Ford for promoting this day's Moment of Gratitude, thank you, Queen. 

Stay Blessed Mi Gente, now & always. 

Thursday, December 05, 2013

Being Grateful: The Attitude of Gratitude

Being Grateful: The Attitude of Gratitude

My apologies, I forgot to post yesterday...a lot has been on my mind, but that's no reason for me not to express what I am grateful for. 

In November 2012, I was laid off from a job I had been at for 4 years, where for the post part, I was happy. When I got the news I wasn't devastated, as some of the others were, with bills & kids I could see why they were. Though I had the same concerns & to top it off I was going through the divorce...I didn't find it upsetting. I knew God had a bigger plan for me. So I decided a sabbatical was due & I took the month of December off to self reflect & discover what this journey I would be embarking on would be (*wait...did I decide or did God? Hmmm). :)
I knew I would start my new job in January 2013 & all would be well financially. Interview after interview, I even had one where I was interviewed 4 times, this was the ultimate dream job...I KNEW this was the one for me. On February 14,2013 I was informed I did not get the position & February 15, 2013 my divorce was final.  
Turns out God had a different plan for me. God had placed me on a 90 day probation to see how much I trusted Him. How much I was willing to surrender to Him, including my finances. To leave my worries at His feet and if I truly was a woman of Faith. Once I acknowledged His plan & asked Him to use me for His will, I am His soldier after all, He gave me my new assignment. 
On April 1, 2013, after 90 days, I was blessed with a job. So today I show gratitude about a place I get to go to every day & actually enjoy. 
God has placed me exactly where He wants me. We all have a purpose, we just gotta be willing to stay alert & see where it takes us...and currently...mine has me at this location and I am grateful for it. 

What are you grateful for?

Stay Blessed, Mi Gente. 

Grateful Wednesday: The Attitude of Gratitude

Grateful Wednesday: The Attitude of Gratitude 

With Thanksgiving tomorrow and me trying to put together a memorable dinner for my family...there's a person I want to show gratitude for who help make my first Thanksgiving after the split last year, a success...my SIL, Tiffany. 

Tiff, you are a remarkable woman, mother & an exceptional mate for my brother. As a sister, I pray that my brothers find someone that will love & care for them unconditionally. You, SIL, far exceed what I would hope for my brother & not to mention, one helluva cook, too ;)...I, thank you. Today on Grateful Wednesday I honor you for YOU, I thank you for my beautiful nieces & my handsome nephew. You are now & always will be my SIL!!! Love you!!!

About Me

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I'm a writer that writes from the heart...and emotion (ergo, the name of my blog). Most of what I write about, I have had first hand experience in. Anything I review does not say I am an expert...I only write what I THINK and whether I like it or not! Not how the rest of the world should think or feel. I am Mexican/Italian and a Leo..again..why my blog is called the World of Emotion!! Hope you enjoy what I have to say and/or review. Enjoy!